Under the leadership of the management board members Dr. Elke Ullrich and Cornelia Jürgen-Leber, we offer you the opportunity to travel to exhibitions in Germany, as well as other European countries. For fixed bookings, please observe the registration period and our terms of payment (SB). Thank you!

New series in the program:
“Why look into the distance†¦? There are art events in the region!†

We offer short trips, also in the region, which can be understood as an open forum, in order to facilitate joint artistic experience of the NKV members. The respective meeting points will be announced in advance. If you are interested, please keep up-to-date information, which will be communicated via our newsletter, the member letter, and the social networks (Facebook, etc.)!

For more information please call 0611 30 11 36 or write to


Terms and conditions for the art trips

The indicated prices are our cost prices per person. Please understand that short term changes may be possible and there is no guarantee for cancelations due to weather-conditions. The registration for art trip becomes only valid after receipt of payment on our account or after forwarding of a cheque. If you cancel your registration for personal reasons, a refund of your payment is only possible in exceptional cases. The NKV calculates the trips based on the existing registrations and strictly only passes on the cost price. Refunds are therefore exceptional, if due to the cancelation the cost structure changes, and/or if due to other unforeseeable reasons a considerable „surplus“ should result.

Bank details Nassauischer Kunstverein Wiesbaden
IBAN: DE79510500150100000997