Street artists often work with text and images, they use a range of techniques - from spray cans to stickers - and usually intervene in public space without authorization. Street art is an art form that can be described with terms such as: everyday-oriented, subversive, intervening, unholy, unmuseum-like, communicative, unacademic. It is characterized by its own temperament and its own attitude towards life. Perhaps street art is even the only art form that is closely linked to a certain attitude towards life and thus stands in the tradition of great art movements.
The aim of the project is to set up a temporary project office in the NKV, which will bundle, document and make visible the various regional (and to some extent supra-regional) activities. Existing activities will be examined, new activities initiated and documented. These activities are recorded with various social community tools, which are to live on interactively beyond the time frame of the project and thus become a topographical document of time. The Kunstverein is more moderator than curator. The project thrives on the participation of the interested public and the networking with existing street art projects in the region and beyond.
In cooperation with and supported by the Hessische Kulturstiftung.