Editor: Meike Behm, Elke Gruhn
Hardcover, 128 pages
85 illstr.
19 x 26 cm
german / english
Published by Distanz Verlag
Price: Members / Non-Member: 25 € / 34,90 €
Shipping: 3 €

The painterly imagery of the graduate of the Städelschule Jagoda Bednarsky (*1988, in Goldberg, PL) deals with questions of layering and planes of localization. With collaging and overpainting found and invented material, a seemingly accidental and mystical synthesis of ambivalent realities emerges, offering multiple perspectives and mutually permeating levels of images. Bednarkys first monography comprises besides numerous illustrations two texts by Elke Gruhn and Meike Behm, an essay by Eric-John Russel and a lyrical essay by Jenny Kalliokulju.

The catalogue is published on the occasion of the following exhibitions:
Synopsism, June 19 - August 2 2015, Nassauischer Kunstverein Wiesbaden
Mono-Chromo-Horo-Skop, May 23 - July 12 2015, Kunsthalle Lingen

Jagoda Bednarsky: Mono–Chromo–Horo–Skop / Synopsism


Price: Members / Non-Members: 25 € / 34,90 € (+ shipping: 3 €)