Anka Atmawijaya Adinegara / Wiryadi Dharmawan /
Indieguerillas (Santi Ariestyowanti, Miko Bawono) /
Ghyvari / Ben Kaf Pamunggar /Andrey Pratama /
Ardhira Anugrah Putra / Dharmika Adhyaksa Putra /
Dony Langgeng Saputro / Marishka Soekarna /
Hizkia Subiyantoro / Johan Tri Handoyo / Tromarama
(Febie Babyrose, Herbert Hans, Ruddy Hatumena) /
Firman Widyasmara
Based on the guest of honour of this year’s Frankfurt Book Fair the Nassauischer Kunstverein Wiesbaden opens an exemplary insight into the entire spectrum of current Indonesian animated film under the exhibition-title Gaddoo Gaddoo.
Indonesian Animation enjoys not only great popularity, but rather opens up an immense artistic potential in its own country. Especially influenced by the aesthetics of commercial film in Asia, every moment, frame by frame, is produced either manually or by computer. The filmmakers and artists tell their stories that move between art, social criticism, politics, world anxiety but also private myths.
The animated short film ASIARAYA (2013) by Anka Atmawijaya Adinegara for example tells the story of a Japanese soldier in times of the Japanese defeat in World War II who tries to accomplish the promise of his country: Asias independence from the West. On the other hand the animated short KITIK (2013) by Ardhira Anugrah Putra deals with the practice of male circumcision in a tragic comical way. A boy who is going to be circumcised causes during his attempted escape a domino effect throughout the surrounding objects in the circumcisers room. The story of MORIENDO (2013) by Andrey Pratama itself is inspired by a story titled "Sebuah Pagi dan Seorang Lelaki Mati" (A Morning Star and A Dead Man) by Balinese writer Noviana Kusumawardhani and pursues a more private approach. The film centers around a lady who awaits death while she lingers on her unknown dearest to come home.
The selection of about twenty films, compiled in close cooperation with the Goethe Institute Jakarta, is part of the parcours of the B3 Biennial of the moving image 2015.